Cultural program on the Celebration of World Disability Day (13th Dec’14)
Advocacy Program Activities
- Zone wise training for leadership and capacity building of DPO leaders
- Cross visits for the collation of information at the state level
- Sensitization Workshop for Professionals (Advocate, Doctors, Media, Educational Institutes)
- Interface workshops with Government officials and PWDs
- Workshop on social exclusion of PwDs, Marathon, and celebration on World Disability Day(13-14th Dec’14)
- Process Documentation of the Activities, Experiences, and Learning
- Zone wise Quarterly guardians meetings in the state
- TOT Workshop for UP Viklang Manch (17-19 Dec’14)
- Interface workshop with State Level govt. Officials / Stake Holders with UPVM/ DPO Leaders(20 Dec’14)
- State-level Consultation of UP Viklang Manch (16th Dec’14)
- State Level Public Hearing(24 Dec’14)